For who?
For big or smaller teams that want to improve their collaboration and the results of their team.Team building can be customized to your team as a specific training, or it can be part of the Leadership program.
What is it?
The team building training/workshop increases the mutual respect, reinforces the mutual bond and improves the atmosphere and collaboration, so the knowledge and competences of each team member are used even more in order to realize the company goals better and faster.
The training/workshop varies between knowledge transfer and exercises. This is important in order to let the participants experience ‘to the bone’ what collaborating with others means. They also experience extra insight into themselves and into others, which has a positive effect on the co-operation and on achieving the goals.
The effect of this training/workshop is that the participants:
- Are aware of the great importance of actually collaborating to achieve their own personal goals and those of the group.
- See their own contribution and that of others in perspective of the goal
- Can recognize team development criteria and are able to practice an influence on this.
- Are accountable of their behavior and are able to address others in a positive way.
- Can define team development stages and create progress in this.
- Capable of recognizing, acknowledging and appreciating the diversity of the team members.
- Can create synergy in the cooperation.
Would you like to find out more?
Send us an e-mail or call +31 35 577 1946.